I am Professor of Economics (Economia Politica) (2006-), Headof the Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno” (2017-) and member of the Academic Senate of the University of Padova (2019-2021). My research interests are in spatial economics, industrial organization, economics of innovation and economic history. 

I published in several international journals including Journal of Economic Geography, Research Policy (3), Industrial and Corporate Change (3), Cambridge Journal of Economics, Review of Income and Wealth, Scientometrics, Resource and Energy Economics,Regional Studies (4), Small Business Economics (2), Economic Geography and Economics Letters (2). 

I received a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Economic and Social Studies in 1988 from the Victoria University of Manchester (Dissertation in Applied Microeconometrics: “Analysis of Italian Household Budget Data Using Consistent Demographic Demand Equations”, Prof. R. Ray) and a Laurea in Economics and Politics from the University of Bologna in 1984. 

I worked as Professor at the University of Bari (2001-2009), Bologna (1997-2001) and Ferrara (1999-2001) and as researcher at NOMISMA (1988-1991), PROMETEIA (1989-1991), the Economic Research Department of ERVET (1991-1995), the Department of National Accounting and Economic Analysis of ISTAT (1995-1997), and the National Research Council (CNR) (1997-2001). 

In the past, I served as  President of the Research Scientific Commission (CSA) (area: economics and statistics) (2012-2016) and as a member of the VQR Commission (2015-2016) of the University of Padova. Finally, I served as Coordinator of the Research Commission (2015-2017) and as Vice-Director (2012-2017) of the Department ‘Marco Fanno’.