Massimo Fedeli

Laurea in Matematica all’Università di Roma Tor Vergata e Master IT Governance and Management presso la LUISS. E’ attualmente Direttore Centrale per le tecnologie informatiche e della comunicazione presso l’Istat. E’ stato responsabile dell’Ufficio preposto allo sviluppo del sistema informativo del Dipartimento del Tesoro – MEF e della Ragioneria dello stato – Presso Consip, nonché dell’Ufficio preposto allo sviluppo degli strumenti a supporto del ciclo produttivo, presso SOGEI. E’ stato consulente senior nell’area ‘pianificazione e consulenza strategica’ per la Tecsiel, per conto della quale ha svolto progetti presso molte grandi Pubbliche Amministrazioni e Banche.

Degree in Mathematics from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with a Master’s in IT Governance and Management at Luiss. Currently serves as Central Director of Information and Communications Technologies with the National Institute of Statistics ISTAT. He was previously responsible for the Office for the Development of Information Systems in the Department of the Treasury-MEF and State Accountancy as well as the office responsible for the development of tools for the production cycle support. He served as Senior Consultant in the Strategic Planning and Advice for Ticsiel where he carried out projects for many large Public Administration s and banks.