Paolo Giudici
Professor of Statistics at the University of Pavia. Lecturer of Statistics, Data science, Financial risk management. Supervisor of about 180 Master’s students and of 15 Phd students, currently working in the financial industry, in IT/consulting companies or as academic researchers.
Author of several scientific publications (84
in Scopus, with 1261 total citations and an h-index of 20).
The publications appeared in: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, Biometrika, Computational Statistics and data analysis, Journal of Computational and graphical statistics, Expert systems with applications, Machine Learning, Neurocomputing, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial Stability.
Coordinator of 12 funded scientific projects, among which the European Horizon2020 project “FIN-TECH” (2019-2020) and the European VI programme project “MUSING” (2006-2010).
Research fellow at the Bank for International Settlements and at the University College London center for Blockchain technologies. Expert at the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). Expert at the Italian ministry of development for the National AI strategy.