Alessandro Fassò is full professor of Statistics (SECS-S/02) from 2000 at the School of Engineering, University of Bergamo, Italy.
Previous head of Dept. of Information technology and mathematical methods (2007-2012) and Academic Senate member (2009-2013).

He served the University of Bergamo as Associate professor (1998-2000) and the Catholic University of Milano as Assistant Professor (“ricercatore”, 1987-1997).
President of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) (2017-2019).
Founder and previous Coordinator (2013-2015) of GRASPA, the permanent working group for environmental statistics of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS).
Previous member of the Council of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) (2013-2017).
Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and member of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS).
Member of WG-GRUAN, the Working Group on Atmospheric Reference Observations, promoted by the World Meteorological Organization ( (2013-).
Associate Principal investigator of Horizon 2020 project GAIA-CLIM (2015-2018) on Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric CLImate Monitoring.
Sub contractor of Copernicus Climate Service (C3S 311.a Lot3) on statistical harmonization of climate data records (2017-2018).
Editor in Chief of Environmetrics. 

Research interests:    He is Author of more than hundred papers, mainly on statistical methods and applications to environmetrics, air quality, climate variables, sensitivity analysis of environmental models, environmental time-series, spatio-temporal data, stochastic monitoring, structural and geotechnical surveillance, industrial statistics, quality control and financial time series analysis.